Monday, July 12, 2010

Never Say Never

I suppose when you wear at least 8 pieces of jewelry at a time people are bound to notice, ask questions, ect. Lately, it's all about my cuffs that were inspired by a Robert Lee Morris piece that is just too rich for my blood. Luckily, I live about 3 blocks from the store so I can go visit-each time under more and more pressure to buy it. Needing a more economical alternative I found two pieces on Broadway between Spring and Broome. The street artisan who made these, advised me to get two of the same but I love the mix matched combo. I feel like Wonderwoman.

As we strolled the city on Saturday the compliments and questions about my jewelry lead to a serious discussion of whether or not to give it a go myself, despite the promise I made myself never to do so when I worked as a Buyer for Intermix. But who knows? I already have quite a few potential customers. Stay tuned...

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